About Us.

Welcome Everyone


We are Sheree and Paul. We live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. We are the creators of Luminous By Nature.

We have both enjoyed the arts through different mediums throughout our lives and some time ago fell in love with stained glass. We love exploring the use of glass and the stained glass process in designs that are unique to us, as a way to express ourselves and in a celebration of the beauty we see in the glass.

Luminous By Nature is an ever evolving space for us, we learn so much through what we do and forever having new ideas come through to share. We share a keen interest in the workings of energy and what we are as Human Beings. Through many years of self reflection we have incorporated energetic intentions and attention into each of our pieces, showcasing the underlying source of Everything. Each piece is a unique design as there is never any exactly the same, an invidual expression. Enjoy knowing You have an original.

We get a lot of joy from seeing our pieces being worn and displayed.

Creating these stained glass designs is what We specialise in,but We also design special commission pieces and do repair works on leadlight items.

The process we Use for creating our art is primarily the copper foiling method, with the occasional use of traditional leadlighting. We use lead free solder for all the jewellery with sterling silver earring hooks and attachments. Stainless steel attachments and chains are used on the suncatchers, panels and ornaments.

We hope you enjoy our works and feel free to contact us via phone: +61 0458 899 227, or email: luminousbynature.com.au@gmail.com, or on social media for any information or enquiries.